Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bacon Cheddar Biscuit Waffles

Bacon Cheddar Biscuit Waffles

If that title doesn't sound like four words you want to eat, I'm not sure what does. 

As a relatively obsessed baker, many assume that I mainly eat sweets and that I would most definitely choose sweets over savory foods. 

While those assumptions are mostly true, there is an exception. Brunch is right below dessert on my list of favorite meals, and I generally prefer savory brunch foods. 

However, brunch menus often lead me to a state of moral conflict. How am I supposed to choose between a red velvet waffle and a smoked salmon benedict? I love red velvet...but usually the idea of a perfectly runny poached egg topped with hollandaise sauce wins this battle. 

I think this recipe is the perfect compromise to solve the dilemmas that many of us face at brunch. An epic waffle with bacon, cheese, and an egg leaves little to desire. You can even satisfy your sweet cravings by topping the waffle with honey or strawberry jam!

Keep reading to learn how you can make brunch the delicious, stress-free experience that it's meant to be. As a bonus, you won't even have to wait for an hour to be seated :-)