Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Biscoff Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Biscoff Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Just a few short months ago I discovered the amazingness that is Biscoff spread, also known to some as Speculos. For those unfamiliar with Biscoff spread, you may have had Biscoff cookies, as they are commonly served on planes. The cookies taste somewhat like cinnamon graham crackers, and Biscoff spread is made to taste exactly like the cookies, except in a spread form with the consistency of peanut butter. Even though I am not wild about Biscoff cookies, I have been pretty obsessed with the spread ever since trying it. When I tell people about it, I describe it as "right up there with Nutella" which is a bold statement coming from me. Ever since discovering Biscoff spread, I have had fun trying to incorporate it into my baking, as like anything else so incredibly delicious, it goes well with just about anything. Here's how I incorporated it into an oatmeal cookie recipe:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lauren’s Birthday Cake

Lauren’s Birthday Cake

Red Velvet Cake with Oreo Cream Cheese Filling, Biscoff Buttercream Icing, and Nutella Fudge

As April came to a close, I knew I faced a huge challenge. No, not final exams. Lauren’s birthday is April 29th. For anyone who doesn’t know, Lauren is my best friend and Co-WIDBer. As we were also nearing graduation, I knew I really had to make Lauren an incredible cake. Knowing many of Lauren’s favorite things, I made what I truly believe was the perfect cake for Lauren. Click the link below to see how I made this cake, and how you can recreate it!