Curried Sweet Potato Cookies
This “real world” thing has thrown me lots of challenges: paying bills, waking up before 8 AM on a regular basis, being a new driver in a city with crazy traffic…and having to actually cook “real food”. Though, I’m always cool with cookies for breakfast, I usually feel a little guilty about having cookies for dinner. So, this baker's had lots of adventures and learning experiences with cooking. And I think I’m slowly mastering cooking one of my favorite types of food…Thai curry! So, I figured, why not combine two of my loves: curry AND cookies?
I often say that delicious + delicious = more delicious. And that definitely held true for this recipe. Keep reading for directions on making this tasty Thai-influenced treat!
Red Velvet Shortbread Cookies

As a baker, Valentine's Day is one of the best holidays for me. I'll use pretty much any excuse to bake: birthdays, Thursdays, 11:08 PM, whatever. Since I live by the title of this blog, these are all compelling reasons for me to bake. But Valentine's Day gives me slightly more legitimate reasons. Calories don't exist on February 14th! Everyone is down to eat red velvet and chocolate, and most don't feel guilty about it. And this means less guilt for me, a serial diet-ruiner. Also, I can hand out heart-shaped cookies and it's not weird...I think. And last and foremost, lots of people tend to be having a bad day on Valentine's Day. Maybe they don't have a Valentine. Or maybe they do. Or perhaps they spent nearly an hour de-icing their car in the morning, using a MARTA Breeze Card (oh, was that just me?). Whatever the reason, I love the opportunity to give people a reason to be happy. And like so many other times in life, the best reason to be happy on Valentine's Day is most certainly sugar. Along with Red Velvet Cake Batter Fudge (not my recipe), I hope I made a few people's Valentine's Days a bit better this year with these tasty and super precious Red Velvet Shortbread Cookies! Here's how you can brighten some moods on Valentine's Day next year (or, let's be real, any day)!
Biscoff Cookies and Cream Fudge
You saw that title, didn't you? If your first thought was something along the lines of "couldn't be bad" or "must have that now," I can assure you that you're right. Just as "Biscoff," "Cookies and Cream," and "Fudge" suggest, this is a delicious treat that you need in your life ASAP. And this post is here to help you make that happen.
Now, if you're thinking "fudge is too hard to make and I just can't," I promise that at least for this recipe, you are totally wrong. And while I'm making promises, I'll admit to you that this isn't "real" fudge. By no means did I stand over the stove with a candy thermometer, waiting for the mixture to reach soft ball stage. Ain't nobody got time for that. (Read: I have zero patience).
I made this fudge in six simple steps, using four ingredients.
Don't believe me? If you keep reading, I see a delicious, fudgy treat in your near future :-)